
Barnyard Millet Flakes   :    ½ cup

Onion chopped             :    1

Carrot, chopped            :    1

Green peas                   :    3 tablespoon

Peanuts                         :    3 tablespoon

Curry Leaves                 :    few

Green Chilly split          :    1   

Urad dal                        :    1 teaspoon

Scraped fresh coconut  :    1 tablespoon for garnishing

Chopped Coriander      :    1 tablespoon for garnishing

Lime juice                     :    1 lemon

Mustard seeds              :    ¼ teaspoon

Cumin seeds                 :    ¼ teaspoon

Turmeric powder          :    ¼ teaspoon

Asfoetida                       :    a pinch

Sugar (optional)            :    1 teaspoon

Oil                                 :    2 tablespoon

Salt                                :    to taste



Soak the Barnyard Millet flakes in 1 cup water with a pinch of salt for 1 minute. Drain and squeeze out all the water from the flakes. Soak the flakes again in about 1/4 cup clean water for 10 minutes. Also soak the split black gram in warm water. Heat oil in a wok and add mustard seeds to it. Once the seeds splutter, add the cumin seeds followed by curry leaves, green chilies and peanuts. Let them fry for a while, taking care not to burn the peanuts. Now add the soaked and drained urad dal followed by the onions. Saute them for a minute or two. Add the carrots and green peas. Mix everything well, covers and cook for 1-2 minutes. Add asafoetida, turmeric powder and salt followed by the soaked barnyard millet flakes and sugar. Mix well, add a little water and cover. Let the upma cook on low heat for 1-2 minutes. Turn off the flame and squeeze the juice of 1 lemon all over the upma. Toss in some grated coconut and coriander leaves. Serve the healthy and delicious Barnyard Millet Flakes Upma hot.