






A traditional little grain grown all over India is called little millet chaama or saamai. This popular substitute for rice cooks more quickly than other millets since it is the tiniest grain. Roti, baked goods, and fried foods all use a small amount of millet flour. After sprouting, the whole grains can be added to salads.


Little millet can grow in the poorest soils and with little rainfall, making it one of the few cereal crops that does not require much from the soil. But even if it doesn’t cost much, little millet or samai offers a lot in terms of health advantages.




Millets are small-seeded grains that originated in Africa and are now widely grown as a staple grain throughout Africa, Asia, India, and the Middle East. There is evidence of millet cultivation in the Korean Peninsula between 3500 and 2000 BCE. Millets are mentioned in the Yajurveda, a very ancient religious book, which indicates that production and consumption of were an indigenous practice, especially in the Asian region (around 4500 BCE). Millets accounted for over 40% of all cultivated grains prior to the Green Revolution (contributing more than wheat and rice). However, after the revolution, rice cultivation has doubled and wheat production has tripled, making millets less valuable as source of food.  


Inclusion of Millet is a great idea for a variety of reasons. Sorghum (jowar), pearl millet (bajra), finger millet (ragi), and other coarse staples like maize, barley, oats, and the like may not match the grain quality of rice and wheat, but they surely outperform them in terms of nutritional value. These are now commonly referred to as “nutri-cereals.” While many millet grains have similar protein content as wheat, they are higher in vitamins, including vitamin B, iron, phosphorus, and a variety of other minerals. Furthermore, these are gluten-free substitutes for finer cereals, making them alkaline rather than acidic. That is why coarse cereals have long been a popular staple diet in many regions of the country, particularly in rural areas.  


We have been consuming millets in various forms for decades in India. In the form of millet rice, rotis, bhakris, mudde (dumplings), upmas, dosais, and idlis. In fact, barnyard millet, popularly known as “vrat ke chawal,” is one of our traditionally recognised foods during fasts. 




Finger Millet Kezhvaragu, Nachani /mundua
Kodo Millet Varagu, Koden/Kodra
Foxtail Millet Thinai, Kangni/Rala
Little Millet Samai, Kutki
Barnyard Millet Kuthiravali, Jhangora
Pearl Millet Kambu, Bajra
Sorghum Cholam, Jowar





Follow some steps to reap the maximum benefits from the wonder grains- Millets.


  • Soaking


Millets take less time to cook but soaking is very essential. Millets’ phytic acid must be broken down by soaking them overnight. Iron, zinc, and calcium are among the good guys that are less effective at being absorbed due to phytic acid, which also makes it much simpler for your stomach to digest millets. Therefore, be sure to soak millets for 6 hours or overnight.


  • Do not compare the texture with rice


Millets and rice have entirely distinct textures. The rice that has been cooked will be fluffy and soft. Millets, on the other hand, will be fluffy and soft, but their texture and flavour will be quite different. Try to include millets in your diet because they are healthier than rice.


  • Cooking millets


Pressure Cooker Method: (1:2 – 2 whistles)


In a pressure cooker, add 1 cup of millet to 2 cups of water. Cook on a medium flame. Reduce the flame after the first whistle. Turn off the flame after the second whistle. Set it aside for a while till it releases its pressure. The millet will get thoroughly cooked with the residual heat. Do not stir the millet when it is hot, as it tends to become mushy. 


Open Vessel Cooking (1:2)


Add one cup of millet to two cups of water. Cook it on a medium flame with a lid. After the water boils, the flame should be reduced. When the water evaporates (in about ten minutes), take it off the flame and firmly close the lid. Do not stir the millet when it is hot, as it tends to become mushy.


 To ensure the millet is thoroughly cooked, taste it last. If there is extra water left, use the extra water to make millet kanji, a fantastic probiotic!


  • Making millets nutritious


Adding vegetables and tempering with wood pressed oil or ghee and making pulao makes millets more appealing and tastier.




The growing popularity of millet among people shows that many people are moving towards healthy eating. Millets are loaded with nutrients that keep you full for a longer time and help you control your cravings. Not many know that millet and millet flour can be used in a wide variety of recipes. We can make our dish gluten-free by replacing refined flour or even whole wheat flour with millet flour. much we can get from these little grains. It is much more than bird feed.


Little millet is a fantastic choice for people trying to lose weight. A great replacement to rice I t has a lot of fibre and is rich in calcium, potassium, zinc, iron, and other minerals. It also acts as an antioxidant for your body and is loaded with the health advantages of vitamin B. Therefore, little millet or any other millet can be included in your daily diet for its health benefits. You can attempt a number of recipes with little millet, including pulao, kanji, kheer, upma, and paniyaram. You may make puttu, cookies, cakes, and many other things with just a little millet flour.




Rice is a staple food and is also used in numerous dishes like idli, dosa, and others. Most people prefer refined white rice to consume, but there are traditional rice varieties available that are unpolished. Rice is a good source of energy as it contains a higher amount of simple carbohydrates. These basic carbohydrates do, however, breakdown fast and raise blood sugar levels. As a result, eating more rice can lead to obesity.


Polished rice contains 28 percent carbohydrates but only 3 percent protein. Additionally, it is a rich source of numerous crucial micronutrients like iron, manganese, and vitamin B.


On the other hand, millets are a cereal grain that are mostly utilised for local consumption. It is high in dietary fibre, abundant in protein, and contains vitamins, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and magnesium—essential nutrients our bodies require. They therefore improve digestion and provide nutritional value that is comparable to that of fruits and vegetables.


Although rice remained the main basic diet, customers are now looking for better and more wholesome meal options. Because of this, millets have recently gained popularity. Because it contains far more protein and fibre than rice, millet is a healthier alternative.


If you choose millets, you can lead a healthy lifestyle. This is due to the fact that they are rich in beneficial minerals and vitamins.




  • The glucose metabolism is improved by small millets with low carbohydrate content, slow digestion, low glycaemic index, and water-soluble gum content. The body’s digestive enzymes like amylase, glucosidase, pepsin, trypsin, and lipases are all inhibited by millet polyphenols. Sugar content are slowly released into the blood and glucose absorption from the intestines is delayed. By promoting carbohydrate tolerance, satiety, weight loss, and extended stomach emptying, the dietary fiber and resistant starch in minor millets display hypoglycaemic and hypolipidemic effects. Little millets are therefore advised for those who have lifestyle problems like diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular issues.


  • We know the importance of millet and understand that health is wealth. To maintain good health, we include many foods that do good for our body. One such good food grain is little millet. This tiny grain is easy to cook and easily digestible, and it is the richest source of magnesium, which helps to keep our hearts in good health. The Vitamin B3 (niacin) content in little millet helps to maintain good cholesterol in our body. It is also a source of phosphorus, which repairs damaged body tissue and is also an instant energy booster.


  • Protein is an essential component required for our body to develop immunity. Many protein-rich foods, both vegetarian and non-vegetarian, are familiar to us. People who wish to replace their intake of white rice can definitely opt for little millet, which is a healthy replacement and also a rich source of protein that can help in improving immunity and reducing diseases in the body.


  • Fiber-rich foods keep our gut healthy by speeding up digestion. They also help you feel fuller for a long time and control your sugar levels. Little millet is one such grain that keeps you satiated and the regular use helps in detoxifying the body naturally.



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